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Why You Should Never Skip Referencing in Your Dissertation

Why You Should Never Skip Referencing in Your Dissertation

Dissertation writing is a crucial part of a student’s academic journey, and the quality of research and information included in the dissertation play a pivotal role in determining the overall score. While gathering information from various sources is a vital aspect of research, it is equally essential to provide proper citations and references. Unfortunately, referencing is often neglected or ignored, leading to the degradation of the dissertation’s overall quality. Here, we will discuss the importance of referencing in dissertation writing and why students must never skip it.

1) It Adds Credibility to Your Work

Referencing is an essential element of dissertation writing that adds credibility to your work. When you reference sources, you demonstrate that you have researched and gathered relevant information to support your arguments. This enhances the credibility of your work as it shows that you have considered a range of perspectives and ideas. Referencing also demonstrates your ability to evaluate and analyze sources to arrive at conclusions. By citing reputable sources, you can show that your work is based on established theories and research findings. Ultimately, this strengthens your position as a credible and authoritative writer, increasing the impact of your work in the academic community.

2) It Helps You Avoid Plagiarism

One of the biggest reasons why referencing is so important in dissertation writing is that it helps you avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence that can have severe consequences, including failing a course or being expelled from your program. Referencing your sources not only gives credit where credit is due but also ensures that you are not presenting someone else’s work as your own. By acknowledging the ideas, research, and findings of others, you demonstrate your understanding of the academic standards of integrity, honesty, and accountability. Additionally, referencing allows you to build upon existing research and ideas to develop your own arguments and perspectives, making your work more original and unique.

3) It Helps You Support Your Arguments

Referencing plays a crucial role in supporting your arguments in a dissertation. Without proper references, your arguments will lack credibility and reliability. Referencing helps you connect your arguments with existing literature, theories, and research. This enables you to support your claims and add value to your dissertation. When you cite other researchers’ work, it shows that you have studied and considered various viewpoints, strengthening your arguments. Referencing also helps readers understand the sources you used to develop your arguments and evaluate the validity of your research. So, don’t overlook the importance of referencing in supporting your arguments as it adds weight to your work.

4) It Shows That You Have Read Widely

Referencing in your dissertation not only shows that you have conducted extensive research on the topic, but it also demonstrates that you have read widely in the field. Referencing enables you to acknowledge the work of others and establish your familiarity with the key literature in your field. It indicates that you have read beyond the course reading list and explored the works of experts and scholars in the area of study. Your reference list offers readers a guide to the resources that have informed your arguments and provides evidence of the depth and breadth of your research. Demonstrating your ability to research widely is an important aspect of academic writing.

5) It Makes Your Work Look Professional

Referencing your sources correctly is an important aspect of academic writing. Proper referencing can elevate the level of professionalism in your dissertation, which can be beneficial in several ways. First and foremost, referencing shows that you have taken the time to thoroughly research your topic and have incorporated credible sources into your work. This will give your work more depth and authority. Additionally, correct referencing highlights your attention to detail and ability to follow academic conventions, which can impress potential employers or publishers. In essence, correct referencing is a reflection of your academic integrity, and it can go a long way in demonstrating your professionalism and competence as a researcher.


Citation Format
  • Book
Author(s). (Year). Title. Publisher.
  • Journal Article
Author(s). (Year). Title. Journal, Volume(Issue), Page range.
  • Conference Paper
Author(s). (Year). Title. In Proceedings of the Conference Name (Page range).
  • Website
Author(s)/Organization. (Year). Title of the webpage/document. Retrieved from URL.
  • Thesis/Dissertation
Author. (Year). Title. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation/Master’s thesis). University Name.
  • Newspaper Article
Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title. Newspaper Name, Page range.
  • Online Journal Article
Author(s). (Year). Title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page range. Retrieved from URL.
  • Government Report
Government Agency/Organization. (Year). Title of the report. Publisher.
  • Personal Communication
Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Personal communication.

6) It Could Help You Get Published

Proper referencing could also be the key to getting your dissertation published. When submitting your work for publication, reviewers will be looking for references to back up your arguments. By including accurate and relevant references in your dissertation, you increase the likelihood of being accepted for publication. Additionally, publishers may require authors to adhere to specific referencing styles, so being proficient in referencing could make the process of publication easier. Finally, a well-referenced dissertation shows that you have conducted extensive research and that your work is worthy of being published. So, if you have aspirations of getting your dissertation published, don’t skip out on proper referencing.



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Willaim Wright

William Wright is a remarkable author whose literary works captivate readers with their depth, creativity, and thought-provoking insights. His writing style is eloquent and rich, painting vivid imagery that transports readers to different worlds and makes them feel deeply connected to his characters and their stories.

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